Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: A Missed Opportunity


In February, the European Commission (EC) presented itsĀ Beating Cancer PlanĀ (BCP), which named tobacco as the top avoidable risk factor.

According to the EC, tobacco use is responsible for 15 percent to 20 percent of all European cancer cases, which corresponds to 525,000 to 700,000 new diagnoses each year. The BCP aims for less than 5 percent of the EU population to use tobacco by 2040, thus creating a ā€œtobacco-free generation.ā€

To achieve this, the EC wants to tighten tobacco regulations, increase minimum taxation rates on tobacco products and harmonize the taxation of novel products. ā€œAs well as dealing with traditional tobacco products, addressing the next generation of tobacco and related products will remain a priority as new products, such as heated-tobacco and others continue to enter the market,ā€ the EC states on its website.

The EC will also review legislation on cross-border tobacco purchases and address tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorships. Member states will receive support in their implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

Read full article here.

Stefanie Rossel – Tobacco Reporter – 2021-04-21.

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