Govt will miss goals to make UK ‘smoke free’ by 2030 as Brits flock to smoking


MINISTERS will miss their goals to make Britain ‘smoke free’ by 2030 as Brits flock back to social smoking as pubs reopen, experts warn today.

MPs called on ministers to take advantage of Brexit by slashing tight controls on safer alternatives to ciggies and show what Global Britain is all about.

Wonks from the Adam Smith Institute warned ministers they must rip up red tape and restrictions on e-cigarettes or they would sail past goals of a 5% smoking rate by 2030.

And they say Britain’s hard-won progress will be put at risk as current low rates may be “reversed by an increase in social smoking after lockdowns”.

They want ministers to lift tight restrictions on advertising of lower risk products such as e-cigs and heated tobacco, and replace their warnings with specific messages about how it can help Brits stop smoking.

Report author and ASI Head of Programmes Daniel Pryor, said last night: “We need to make these changes now.

Read full article here.

Natasha Clark – The Sun – 2021-05-02.

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