I may have smoked weed in the ’60s, but I’m not celebrating its legalization now | Christie Blatchford


However much I deeply appreciate the good reasons for the decriminalization of marijuana (chiefly, that too many people were saddled with criminal records for possessing relatively small amounts of the stuff and suffered the limits that attach to a record for the rest of their lives), I am not among those celebrating its recent legalization.

The Cannabis Act received Royal Assent in Parliament Thursday but won’t actually be the law of the land until Oct. 17.

Much of the surrounding discussion, official and otherwise, has been insufferable, as if Canada were merely taking a well-reasoned, wholly benign and totally accepted step that every sensible nation in the world already has taken.

In fact, of course, Canada is but the second country on the planet — after Uruguay, hardly a traditional ally — to fully legalize marijuana for recreational purposes.

Read full article here.

Christie Blatchford – National Post – June 21, 2018.

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