National Regulator 4: The regulatory Leviathan


Ottawa’s power grab in the securities industry is sweeping and unprecedented, and must be opposed

A selection of the shortcomings of the “Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System” (CCMRA), a cooperative enterprise between the federal government and five provinces to create a one-stop securities regulator, have been discussed in these pages in recent days. The CCMRA, if adopted, would be a watershed event in the architecture of Canada’s political institutions. And in no way for the better.

Since the Great Depression, the rise of the welfare state has been associated with a vastly expanded role for government, and this vast expansion has received its expression in the commensurate growth of the administrative state. Government administrators, who exercise powers delegated to them by government, have tentacles into virtually every walk of life, from the TV we watch to how we behave in the workplace to the pedigree of the hamburgers we throw on the barbie in the summer.

Read full article here.

Jeffrey MacIntosh – Special to Financial Post – December 9, 2014.

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