Ontario lawyers score victory for free thought in Law Society election | Christie Blatchford


This week, a slate of those brave enough to publicly oppose the ‘statement of principles’ the Law Society of Ontario imposed upon lawyers was resoundingly elected

Lawyers 1, thought police 0.

I often have kind words for lawyers — those I have seen at work and admire but also, in general, on how when you’re in trouble, with your liberty at stake, your lawyer is your best friend.

But I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of them as a group than I am now.

This week, after a 15-day election period, a slate of those brave enough to publicly oppose the “statement of principles” (SOP) the Law Society of Ontario imposed upon lawyers in December of 2016 was resoundingly elected as benchers (the Law Society’s board of directors).

The SOP forced lawyers to create, adopt and abide by a mandatory statement acknowledging their “obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion” and required law firms with 10 or more lawyers or paralegals to complete an “inclusion self-assessment” every two years and publish the results.

Read full article here.

Christie Blatchford – National Post – May 2, 2019.

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