Ontario’s ‘racialized law’ debate is based on bad research | Marni Soupcoff


The study based its conclusions on the responses of 3,237 self-selected lawyers and paralegals. The other 40,000 chose not to participate

Lawyers. Is there any other profession with such an exaggerated sense of its own value and significance? Whenever I hear something new about the statement of principles that the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) is imposing on all legal professionals in the province — mandating lawyers and paralegals to draft a statement about how much they personally value inclusivity, diversity and equality — I think of a joke I once read. Question: What’s the difference between a lawyer and God? Answer: God doesn’t think he’s a lawyer.

OK, the joke is not — technically — phrased in a logical way, but it’s still funny because, like the LSO, the legal profession does seem to think of itself as being able to do and understand all things. And the reason I felt compelled to mention that the joke is technically misstated, even though this is unimportant to my overall point, is because I’m trained as a lawyer.

Read full article here.

Marni Soupcoff – National Post – February 28, 2019.

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