Philanthropists Who Do More Harm Than Good Need To Be Held Accountable


Philanthropy is the practice of giving money and time to help make life better for other people.

Usually, it is the richest in society giving something back to make a difference and create positive change, under the auspice that this free giving comes with nothing expected in return. But what happens when philanthropists go bad?

Imagine, for example, an influential report on vaccines being funded (and the findings influenced) by a known billionaire anti-vaxxer, or a United Nations report on climate change funded by a billionaire climate skeptic. The public, quite rightly, would object to such reports, and the organizations involved would lose credibility.

However, with tobacco and nicotine policy, by far the largest global influencer is former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an American billionaire who is ideologically opposed to tobacco harm reduction – the concept of promoting less harmful alternatives to smoking. Bloomberg’s philanthropic foundations are systematically promoting misinformation about harm reduction around the world.

Read full article here.

Martin Cullip – InsideSources – 2022-02-15

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