Popham pens ‘eviction’ notice-like letter to B.C. fish farms | Vaughn Palmer


When Premier John Horgan promised to “align the actions of my government with the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples,” it wasn’t clear how that would play out with specific decisions.

Now one example has come to the fore during the current imbroglio between the NDP government and some First Nations over fish farming and the threat to wild salmon stocks.

On Friday the lead cabinet member on the file, Agriculture Minister Lana Popham, sent out a chilling letter to fish farm operator Marine Harvest Canada regarding its continued presence on the B.C. coast.

“I have recently become aware of Marine Harvest’s decision to restock the Port Elizabeth salmon farm,” wrote Popham, referring to ongoing activities at one of the company’s dozen or so operations off northern Vancouver Island.

“It comes at a very sensitive time,” she continued. “We are entering into sensitive discussions with some of the First Nations in the (area) who remain opposed to open-net pen salmon farming in their territories.”

Read full article here.

Vaughn Palmer – Vancouver Sun – October 17, 2017.

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