CISRO, the AMF & a new LLQP: cui bono? – RickardsRead


In early October I wrote a column (No.216) “CISRO’s ‘harmonizing’: life insurance licensing revisited”, expressing my scepticism about the wisdom of the proposal from the life insurance regulators who comprise CISRO (the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations) to introduce a new modular regime (exams and content) to be developed by Quebec’s AMF (the Autorite des marches financiers) for use in both Quebec and the common law provinces…

…it has been dubbed “the Harmonized Life Insurance Licensing Qualification Program”. It would replace the existing content and exam of the LLQP program (the Life Licensing Qualification Program)….

…among the 14 approved LLQP course providers I am aware of only one which seems in favour of the new CISRO plan for an AMF-designed ‘LLQP mark II’. In comparison with the July tabling by CISRO of their holy tablet, an October letter to all 14 LLQP providers from Saskatchewan’s Ron Fullan, the lead regulator on this file, was considerably less peremptory in tone and worked at appearing somewhat conciliatory.

Read full article here.

Alastair Rickard – RickardsRead – December 9, 2012

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