Seven Reasons Why the BC NDP Should Follow Alberta Instead of Ontario


That the left-leaning NDP in Alberta is more to the right than the supposed “centre” Ontario Liberals sure says something, doesn’t it?

I mean, the Alberta NDP crafted a cannabis distribution framework that leaves the door open for private enterprise. I wish I could say the same thing about Ontario.

But what about British Columbia? The jury is still out, but here are seven reasons why the BC NDP should follow something more akin to Alberta’s example than Ontario’s:

1. Private enterprise benefits BC’s craft growers. Under a government model, it’s easier for LPs to lobby for exclusive distribution. With many different private dispensaries and retail shops, lobbying becomes harder if not impossible.

2. Tourism. Simply, a seed-to-farm-to-retail tour, just like wine, where tourists actually pay you to trim! Imagine that. Alongside a 4/20 friendly bed and breakfast, the potential tax-revenue should have Horgan drooling from the mouth.

3. Safety issues are not a concern. The idea that only liquor stores can ID people appropriately is nonsense. So is the propaganda that anything other than liquor-store monopolies is, essentially, trying to “reinvent the wheel.” This is an agricultural plant that requires cannabis-specific humidors and refrigerators. It couldn’t be more unlike alcohol.

Read full article here.

Caleb McMillan – Cannabis Life Network – October 19, 2017.

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