Thomas Kirsop’s Review of the Order Amending Schedules 2 and 3 to the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (Flavours)


Thomas Kirsop has created a detailed analysis of the proposed federal vape flavour ban which he has submitted to Health Canada. I am posting it here with his permission:

Kirsop’s Submission

Highlights include:

“I stopped smoking seven years ago by switching to vaping. Not only did Health Canada not approve of my method, but Health Canada was also of the opinion I was breaking the law by quitting according to the notice issued by the department in 2009.”

“CTNS 2020 results published in “The Daily” on the Government of Canada website indicate that the physical number of youth who have vaped in the past 30 days (291,300) has dropped by roughly 8.8% from CTNS 2019 (319,295).”

“Hypothetical or potential risks do not provide substantive evidence of definitive harm. “This product will hurt you because the contents might be dangerous” is an illogical statement. This error of logic appears within most Health Canada publishings regarding vaping products.”

“Health Canada is well aware that cigarette consumption will increase due to these regulations.

Read full article here.

Dr. John Oyston – 2021-07-11.

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