Tobacco harm reduction critical if smoking-related disease is reduced in Africa


The second edition of Africa Tobacco Harm Reduction forum was held last month in Nairobi, Kenya.

Convened by Campaign for Safer Alternatives in collaboration with Africa Harm Reduction Alliance, the forum provided a platform to engage, challenge and exchange ideas, where pivotal issues on ending smoking in Africa.

The conference, which was attended by over 50 delegates from across Africa as well as international medical experts, heard that the current approach of governments in Africa is not working. Even though nine out of 10 smokers think nicotine pouches or vapes/e-cigarettes are the most effective quitting tool, countries in Africa continue to have regulatory environment that is unsupportive of these products.

Hare, safer nicotine alternatives are barely known, accessible, and thus, used by the population. A panel with African experts shared their experience on tobacco harm reduction in their countries and the challenges of the continent regarding smoking related diseases, policy issues and the need for a unified approach with other substance use disorders.

Dr Kgosi Letlape is a medical doctor and healthcare leader in South Africa and former president of the World Medical Association (WMA). He did not use doublespeak when mentioning accountability regarding international and national policies.

Read full article here.

Joseph Magero – EnvironNews Nigeria – 2022-03-17.

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