Trudeau asks transport minister to tackle Greyhound’s B.C., western Canada pullout


Facing pressure from rural communities and opposition MPs, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he’s asked Transport Minister Marc Garneau to find solutions to Greyhound Canada’s decision to pull its buses from the Prairies, B.C. and northern Ontario.

Greyhound’s news was “difficult” to hear for people who are already struggling economically but rely on the service to visit family, travel for work and get across the country, Trudeau said Tuesday during a visit to Nova Scotia.

“I have asked our minister of transport to work with the provinces, to work with communities, to work with the company to try and see what paths forward there are.”

Trudeau was responding to questions from reporters on a highway in Sutherlands River, N.S., about whether Ottawa is prepared to offer subsidies to keep the service running or provide an alternative.

Read full article and WATCH video here.

Canadian Press – July 17, 2018.

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