Trudeau Ready to Legalize Pot, but Not Sales in Corner Stores


Liberal leader ready to act on legalizing marijuana, but wants sales to be tightly controlled. Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is ready to move on legalizing marijuana, but says he’s not comfortable with it being sold at local corner stores.

“My focus is on making it more difficult for young people to access it, and at this point I don’t think that corner stores necessarily are rigorous enough in checking ID to make me comfortable with that as an option,” Trudeau told reporters in Quebec City on Wednesday.

“But we are looking at ways to do it right.”

Earlier in the day Trudeau said during an interview with radio station FM93 Quebec that pot wouldn’t “necessarily” have to be sold through a state-run monopoly.

Trudeau said legalization would make it tougher for minors to buy pot and would also keep the profits away from organized crime.

The Liberal leader insists that any plans for the sale and distribution of marijuana would have to involve the provinces, but he said that, if elected, a Liberal government could start taking action right away.

Read full article here.

Catherine Cullen – CBC News – Sep 02, 2015.

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