U.S. Nuclear Energy Industry Has A Clean Bill Of Health And Says Its Plants Deserve A Life Extension


Just five years ago, the world watched astonishingly as a massive tsunami knocked out the Fukushima Daichi nuclear power units in Japan. For many, the events of March 11, 2011 became the nail in nuclear energy’s coffin. For others, though, it would strengthen their resolve to perfect the carbon-free, reliable fuel source.

Here in the United States, the choice has been to forge ahead — to invest in new technologies that increase the safety and resiliency of both existing nuclear units and those that are now being built, and will potentially be constructed in future years. Given the emphasis on reliable and carbon-free power, though, the industry is moving forward with new initiatives to extend the lives of their existing plants from 60 years to 80 years.

“Today’s nuclear power plants are safe regardless of their age,” says the Nuclear Energy Institute, in a recent white paper.

Read full article here.

Ken Silverstein – Forbes – March 23, 2016.

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