Senators Propose $100 Million in Vape Industry User Fees…Again


New legislation introduced by a bipartisan group of U.S. senators would increase the FDA Center for Tobacco Products’ budget, and pay for it by assessing $100 million a year in user fees to U.S. vaping manufacturers.

The bill is similar to other recent user fee proposals, and is the same amount the FDA has asked for in annual budget requests for the last three fiscal years. The CTP is completely funded by tobacco company user fees, which so far have not included manufacturers of nicotine products that don’t contain leaf tobacco.

The bill would increase the CTP budget to $812 million for FY 2022, with $100 million coming from vaping manufacturers. The law, if passed, would automatically increase the CTP budget (and user fees) in future years, indexing it to the Consumer Price Index.

The new bill, called the “Resources to Prevent Youth Vaping Act,” was introduced by Republican Senators Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK), and Mitt Romney (UT), and Democrats Tammy Baldwin (WI), Dick Durbin (IL), and Jeanne Shaheen (NH).

Read full article here.

Jim McDonald – – 2021-09-20.

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