From FDA to PMI – a sell-out or a bold move for public health?


Matt Holman resigns as Director of the Office of Science at the Center for Tobacco Products at the FDA.

He is moving to the tobacco company Philip Morris International to be Vice President of US Scientific Engagement & Regulatory Strategy. What to make of this? I write him an open letter.

Dear Dr Holman

You are making an interesting move at an important time, and I want to write an open letter to you to remark on its significance.

I am sure many will criticise your move as treachery or a sell-out, but this is a predictable knee-jerk reflex and overlooks the public health fundamentals. I hope you ignore the inevitable criticism and remain focused on the enormous public health prize that you can pursue in your new role. I think it is an ethical and high-integrity move, and I hope you make the most of it.

The case for moving from FDA to a tobacco company

How can anyone pursue a public health goal effectively from a tobacco company?

In reality, we are in the formative phase of a fundamental and highly beneficial technology transformation in the consumer market for nicotine. This is the move from high-risk combustible products (cigarettes) to low-risk non-combustibles (vaping, heated and smokeless tobacco, and oral nicotine products such as pouches). This is a game-changer for public health.

Read full article here.

Clive Bates – The Counterfactual – 2022-07-27

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