Brent Stafford

Executive Producer / Founder -

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Ban Delayed | Australian Vapers Win Reprieve, Battle Is Not Over | RegWatch (Live)

It was a surprise decision issued by Australia’s Minister of Health to ban the personal importation of liquid nicotine for vaping beginning on July...

COVID19 | UK Impact (RegClips)

*Get ready to think! (2:15) - What’s the impact of COVID-19 on the UK? How much of a threat is it? And when or will...

Slice & Dice | Vape Crusader Fights Toe-To-Toe | RegWatch (Live)

He’s a secret, wrapped up in an enigma, and smothered in secret sauce. Who is he? Mike Peterson from “Vaping and the Mic” describes him...

Public Persuasion | Finding A Winning Message to Save Vaping | RegWatch (Live)

There’s no doubt the U.S. vaping industry faces a public perception problem of gargantuan proportions. While advocates maintain (and research backs up) that vaping is...

Incoherent Findings in Vaping Science | WholeTruth 4 Health Canada

“If the scientist decides to write the paper,” says John Britton Prof. Epidemiology and Frm. Chair of RCP Tobacco Advisory Grp “and the journal...