Alternative nicotine products key to tobacco harm reduction


If there is something that every smoker confesses to, it is the desire to quit. However, many will add that they easily relapse as their body craves the deprived nicotine when they put the cigarettes down.

For many nicotine addicts, cigarettes are the main source despite the harmful effects that come from combusted tobacco. The general policy approach has been to push smokers to quit by putting in place various public health restrictions.

Data shows that 80 per cent of the world’s smokers live in low and middle-income countries and eight million people die due to smoking-related diseases every year. The WHO estimates that one billion people will die of smoking-related diseases by the year 2100.

Overall, 98 million people are estimated to use alternative nicotine products worldwide with 68 million being vapers largely located in the US, China, Russia, the UK, France, Japan, Germany and Mexico.

Read full article here.

Oliver Mathenge – The Star – 2021-10-18.

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