Something remarkable is happening in Japan; combustible cigarette use is disappearing.
And, with the right policies in place, this collapse in deadly cigarette use can happen in every country.
Japan Tobacco International’s third-quarter results for 2021 showed that domestic sales of cigarettes in Japan had fallen by 8.2 percent during the previous year, which followed an 8.9 percent decline in the preceding quarter.
A foretaste of this phenomenon was seen in 2018, with the Financial Times reporting that Philip Morris’ heated tobacco product, IQOS, was laying waste to cigarette sales in Japan. According to the report, “shipments of traditional cigarettes” declined by more than 7 percent in 2018, which had followed an 11.5 percent decline in the first quarter of 2017. Meanwhile, shipments of “heated units” increased from 1.2 billion to 6.4 billion during the period. In fact, during the quarter, nearly 9 percent of Philip Morris’ global revenue was from reduced-risk products.
Martin Cullip – InsideSources – 2022-04-06.