SRNT Body Blow For Vape Deniers


Fifteen past presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) have delivered a body blow to the arguments used to deny the benefits of vaping. The group have published a paper that comments on the American electronic cigarette approach and lists strong arguments for change.

All 15 authors disagree with Michael Bloomberg and the World Health Organization’s stance on vaping. Harm reduction advocate Charles Gardner pointed out that the experts are the last people anyone could accuse of being corporate shills and referred to the SRNT and “the” preeminent professional society. He called their work “an enormous broadside” against safer nicotine harm reduction denial’s flagship.

The ex-presidents:

  • David Balfour DSc
  • Neal Benowitz MD
  • Suzanne Colby PhD
  • Dorothy Hatsukami PhD
  • Harry Lando PhD
  • Scott Leischow PhD
  • Caryn Lerman PhD
  • Robin Mermelstein PhD
  • Raymond Niaura PhD
  • Kenneth Perkins PhD
  • Ovide Pomerleau PhD
  • Nancy Rigotti MD
  • Gary Swan PhD
  • Kenneth Warner PhD
  • Robert West PhD

Read full article here.

Dave Cross – Planet of the Vapes – 2021-08-23.

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