Surgeon General: More People Will Die From Cigarette Smoking Than From Coronavirus This Year


U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams warned on Sunday that this will be “the hardest and the saddest week” of our lives, as the death toll from coronavirus continues to climb above the current 9,600-plus.

“This is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment, our 9/11 moment, only it’s not going to be localized. It’s going to be happening all over the country. And I want America to understand that,” Adams told “Fox News Sunday.”

But then he offered some perspective on the death toll: “And more people will die, even in the worst projections, from cigarette smoking in this country than are going to die from coronavirus this year.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.”

Read full article here.

Susan Jones – cnsnews – April 6, 2020.

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