Vaping “Could Cause Brittle Bones” Says New Study


A new study published in the American Journal Of Medicine Open, says that young vapers could be putting themselves at risk of suffering from osteoporosis later in life.

“To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the relationship between e-cigarette use and fragility fractures,” said lead study author Dr. Dayawa Agoons.

“It fills an important knowledge gap given the increasing popularity of e-cigarette use and the significant economic burden and known morbidity and mortality associated with osteoporotic fractures.”

The research team analysed the vaping history of 5,569 American men and women aged between 20 and 80, followed by questions to determine whether they had ever suffered a hip, wrist or spinal fracture from a minor fall. The responses suggested that these injuries were 46% more common in those who had ever vaped. “Our findings provide data to inform researchers, healthcare policy-makers and tobacco regulators about the potential association of e-cigarette use with reduced bone health,” said the researchers.

Read full article here.

Diane Caruana – VapingPost – 2022-06-06.

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