Vaping gateway to smoking cigarettes


I REFER to a report in a local daily recently on a panel discussion on vaping headlined “Learn from NZ and UK to reduce smoking”.

The message that came out of the discussion is that e-cigarettes and vaping are relatively harmless and is the path to quitting smoking.

The panelists also feared that if the Generation End Game Bill becomes law, there will be increased robberies and illicit trade in cigarettes.

Their fears are misplaced. What is needed is effective law enforcement.

The panelists’ claim that e-cigarettes are harmless is not based on any credible scientific evidence. Electronic cigarettes and vaping have serious health effects as evidenced by a number of scientific reports.

The Australian National University’s National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health has carried out research on the health outcomes relating to e-cigarettes with worldwide evidence and published a 361-page report.

The report states that the use of e-cigarettes results in the inhalation of a complex array of aerosolised chemicals, including nicotine, originating from the e-liquid, chemical reactions in the heating coil and the device itself.

Toxicological studies indicate that exposure to these substances can result in adverse health effects. Nicotine is highly addictive and there is evidence from basic human and animal studies that it adversely affects the cardiovascular system, brain development and functioning.

The other findings of the research included:

Read full article here.

Mohideen Abdul Kader – The Sun Daily – 2022-10-06.

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