The Liberals’ police-state impaired driving law has to go | Chris Selley


With Canada’s drunkest drivers continuing to cause carnage on our roads, the government is targeting asthmatics and people buying wine

More and more victims of the federal Liberals’ insane new impaired driving law are making themselves heard, and they’re making Justin Trudeau’s government look very, very foolish — not least because what’s happening is precisely what everyone predicted.

Last week CBC reported on the case of Jimmy Forster, a British Columbia man with diagnosed severe asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who twice in recent months has been charged with failing to provide a breath sample.

People with lung conditions being unable to register a sample has been an issue in the past. But in the past, police had to articulate some suspicion of impairment before compelling a breath sample. Bill C-46, which received Royal Assent nearly a year ago, eliminated that requirement. Police don’t seem to have suspected impairment either time they nabbed Forster. He says he volunteered to give a blood test, but was rebuffed.

Read full article here.

Chris Selley – National Post – June 7, 2019.

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