It should come as no surprise that Massachusetts, the state which nurtured the most notorious cases of mass hysteria in American history, the Salem Witch Trials, is also the same state currently perfecting the witch hunt against vaping.
On Wednesday the Massachusetts Public Health Council made permanent its ban on the sale of flavored vaping products and mandated signs warning consumers of “severe lung disease” to be posted at retail locations where unflavored vaping products might still be sold.
Massachusetts is not alone as public health bureaucrats in the state of New York voted this week to extend its ban on flavored e-cigarettes, even though the ban is currently held up in court.
What’s driving the vape ban mayhem? And how are consumers being affected?
Find out in this episode of RegWatch with Alex Clark CEO of CASAA, the national consumer advocacy organization for smoke-free alternatives.
Streamed: December 12, 2019
Produced by: Brent Stafford
This episode is supported by: FlavourArt & Demand Vape