The Demise of Juul Is the Latest Self-Inflicted Failure by Public Health


The Wall Street Journal has reported that Juul Labs, the e-cigarette manufacturer which became a scapegoat for youth vaping in the United States, is in discussion with major tobacco companies to engineer a sale of the company or perhaps another solution to rescue it from oblivion.

This development is just the latest in a long line of potentially revolutionary products designed to reduce combustible tobacco use being snuffed out by so-called anti-smoking groups.

Appearing on the market in 2015, the inventors of the JUUL vaping device (Adam Bowen and James Monsees) spoke eagerly about how their product could make smoking obsolete and no doubt expected to be lauded by the public health establishment. Unfortunately, that could not have been further from the truth.

Sales of the new device initially took off and by May 2019, Juul made up 74.6 percent of the U.S. e-cigarette market. But, from the moment they launched, the tobacco control industry had the company in its sights and systematically worked to destroy it. Last year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied JUUL pre-market authorization for their products on spurious grounds, only for the agency to issue a stay on the denial. The same year, the company faced court claim after court claim, totalling more than two billion dollars after a vicious campaign of demonization against the company.

American public health organizations have a long and sordid history of policy decisions which end up protecting the combustible cigarette trade from competing products which are orders of magnitude less harmful than smoking…

Read full article here.

Martin Cullip -Townhall – 2023-02-16.

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