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E-Cig Intel | Surprising U.S. Vaping Market Data & Insights | RegWatch

Despite enduring years of attacks by tobacco control, misinformation,...

Confounding Science | Inside Look at Flawed Nicotine & Tobacco Research | RegWatch

Often, much of the research on e-cigarettes, nicotine, and...

Flavour Ban | Rights 4 Vapers Ottawa News Conference | RegWatch

Advocacy group Rights4Vapers holds a news conference in Ottawa...

Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch

U.S. President Joe Biden recently awarded the Medal of...

Ottawa to ban e-cigarette ads in bid to curb youth vaping use

The federal government is planning to ban e-cigarette promotions from convenience stores, public transit and all social-media platforms in response to a major rise...

Ottawa moves to ban vaping advertisements to prevent youth exposure

Health Canada is proposing to ban advertising of vaping products in spaces where young people can see them in a bid to rein in...

CBC Kids News | Government fails and tips on how to quit vaping

These vaping statistics might surprise you Is vaping addictive? When CBC Kids News asked a group of students at Garden City Collegiate in Winnipeg to answer...

Health Canada says it hasn’t tested health effects of cannabis vaping but will release new products anyway

'There has been no analysis done,' agency says, because products not yet on market The federal government will allow the sale of cannabis vaping products...

Nova Scotia first province to ban flavoured e-cigarettes and juices

Nova Scotia has joined a growing list of provinces clamping down on vaping. Health Minister Randy Delorey announced Thursday the province will be the first...



Confounding Science | Inside Look at Flawed Nicotine & Tobacco Research | RegWatch

Often, much of the research on e-cigarettes, nicotine, and...

Flavour Ban | Rights 4 Vapers Ottawa News Conference | RegWatch

Advocacy group Rights4Vapers holds a news conference in Ottawa...

Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch

U.S. President Joe Biden recently awarded the Medal of...

Hands Off | Vapers Call for Health Minister to Dump Flavour Ban | RegWatch

As the Federal Liberal Government marches inexorably toward a...
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