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Confounding Science | Inside Look at Flawed Nicotine & Tobacco Research | RegWatch

Often, much of the research on e-cigarettes, nicotine, and...

Flavour Ban | Rights 4 Vapers Ottawa News Conference | RegWatch

Advocacy group Rights4Vapers holds a news conference in Ottawa...

Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch

U.S. President Joe Biden recently awarded the Medal of...

Hands Off | Vapers Call for Health Minister to Dump Flavour Ban | RegWatch

As the Federal Liberal Government marches inexorably toward a...

The ideological divide on vaping has a clear winner: Smokers

Because smokers miss work due to smoking-related illness and take smoking breaks, Shapiro finds e-cigarette users are on average $2,370 more productive each year...

Big Tobacco Out Billions, but Still Kicking After Settlement | Anchor Article

More than a decade after Big Tobacco apparently knuckled under to a coalition of 46 state attorneys-general, how is the industry faring? Like most such...

Tobacco Master Settlement at 20 Years | Anchor Article

Big Tobacco's payouts squandered from prevention standpoint The major U.S. tobacco companies settled litigation with the states on November 23, 1998, in what is known...

Master Settlement Agreement and Its Impact on Tobacco Use 10 Years Later | Anchor Article

Lessons for Physicians About Health Policy Making The issue of tobacco industry responsibility for population health problems and compensation for their treatment has been growing...

Anchor Article | How Wall Street Tobacco Deals Left States With Billions in Toxic Debt

Politicians wanted upfront cash from a legal victory over Big Tobacco, and bankers happily obliged. The price? A handful of states promised to repay...



Flavour Ban | Rights 4 Vapers Ottawa News Conference | RegWatch

Advocacy group Rights4Vapers holds a news conference in Ottawa...

Deep Impact | Bloomberg’s Influence on the WHO & US Vaping Policy | RegWatch

U.S. President Joe Biden recently awarded the Medal of...

Hands Off | Vapers Call for Health Minister to Dump Flavour Ban | RegWatch

As the Federal Liberal Government marches inexorably toward a...

Scoring Endgame | Former CDC Tobacco Control Director Talks Battle Over Vaping | RegWatch

As the longest-serving director of the CDC's Office on...
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