With the comment period now closed for the legislative review of Canada’s Tobacco and Vaping Products Act, Canadian vapers again find themselves in “wait-and-see mode.”
It’s hard to believe, but this month is the fourth anniversary of nicotine vaping products becoming legal in Canada. It’s been a brutal four years, and much of the blame lies at the feet of Canada’s health regulator.
Joining us today to discuss Health Canada’s wrong turn on vaping is Martin Cullip, International Fellow at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance and prolific writer on harm reduction policy issues for major publications such as InsideSources, Center Square, Townhall, and Filter.
Is Health Canada doing harm? Find out.
Only on RegWatch by RegulatorWatch.com.
Released: May 14, 2022
Produced by Brent Stafford
Part of our “Last Stand” Canada coverage