Tide Turning | U.S. Courts Wake Up To “Unlawful” FDA Regulation | RegWatch

Could the U.S. vaping industry be on the verge of a breakthrough in its legal battle with the FDA?

The prospects are tantalizing. A recent ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court slammed the FDA over its shifting guidance and moving goalposts.

Creating what the court says is a likely unlawful de facto ban on flavored nicotine vaping products. The decision is an eye-popper.

Joining us today to talk through developments in the Fifth Circuit and to outline a potential path to the Supreme Court, is attorney and well-known vaping advocate Greg Troutman.

Is the tide turning for vaping? Find out!

Only on RegWatch by RegulatorWatch.com

Released: May 12, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE

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